View Profile killerman170
A new animator just learning the basics of CS6, hoping to make some new work soon enough.

Age 28, Male

Marina High School

Joined on 7/30/08

Exp Points:
1,180 / 1,350
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Vote Power:
5.30 votes
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killerman170's News

Posted by killerman170 - December 1st, 2008

hello everyone i have'nt posted in a while so here why

1: nothing has been happening

2: I am so bored to get my @ss up (yes i admit it)

3: I have not gotten a new pc yet so can't post the pics :(

and last but no least 4: I went to Arizona for a whole week (i know i have'nt posted for 2 months but....

Posted by killerman170 - October 14th, 2008

my computer broke so i use my dad's computer so anyways HAPPY HALLOWEEN :) :) :) so anyways just wanted to say hi and give me real comments guys really :P and i don't have aymore pictures!!!!!!!! this is terrible i shall get a new computor soon


PS:i got to favorate computer games
1: mud and blood 2 JUST A GAME

Posted by killerman170 - September 19th, 2008

i just wanted to tell you that my school just sent out an letter that a virus that is called the (west nile virus) we do not know if it is life threatning just thought you might wanna know it is spreaded by mosuqitoes if you want any saftey tips please pm me

Newground name killerman170,Student name garrett *********

PS: I crossed out my last name so i can still not be known :) hehehehehe :)

west nile virus

Posted by killerman170 - September 16th, 2008

hello everyone i was just watching at 4:54 watching all the linkin park music videos that's right im a linkin park fan just thought i might want to express my feelings so right now i don't mind if you don't like linkin park or any other band of that matter but i want to know who is a fan also so if you hate him don't comment or i will just delete it plus you can get banned from making comment's easy'er so you better follow the rule or you will get banned

Posted by killerman170 - September 11th, 2008

today is 9/11 I would like to say that FUCK THE TERRORIST!!!!!!!!!!!! i hope they kill theirselfs with a shotgun! i hate those terrosist plus whoever thinks it was the goverment there freaking crazy! why would the goverment do that to us! so anyways i hope you have a moment of silence...............................
......... ok now no news and all except that i banned a couple of people from making comments i forgot who it was no people who realize that im a blam and protecter now are idiots so thats the news :) :) :) :) :) :)


Posted by killerman170 - August 29th, 2008

hello i just thought you might wanna no i won stick rpg with no cheats and i got to be president in less that 900 days so here's how i beat it if you want to be as good as me ok here it is :) please wait...........

PART 1: first raise intellegence to 300 or more then go to the big building across from mc sticks keep asking for promotions until your the CEO (boss) then make some big bucks and if you want kill the kid so now to part 2 :)

PART 2: make at least 100,000 then then as you know about the intrest rate get it up high by putting more money in bank sleep for a couple a days then it will be a whole lot of money :) (if it does'nt work try again) so make it up the 500,000 and buy a castle and then buy all the furniture from the store across from the appartment where you used to live then make at least another 100,000 then wait for a couple a days and make money to raise strength now part 3 :)

PART 3: by now your strength must 800 or more then wait for a while and everyday for your stickmans life check your messages if you get that message which says you can run for president you must have $200,000 100 good karma 800 on every stat so buy the highest campaign so you can be president and will cost $200,000 so then when you win you'll be president!!! yay!!!!!!!!!!!! now to step 4

PART 4: you are now prsident the only thing you need now is make as much money as you want do anything! you want fight,rob,work it's your choice to the last part numba 5

PART 5:sit back relax you rich you own everyone you won!!!!!!! but it does'nt tell you because the game is unlimeted hope you have fun you computer geek! :)

PS: the winners of the voting are A: joe zombie so i will get as many joe zombie pics for my post when they run out we vote again :)

i won stick rpg!

Posted by killerman170 - August 25th, 2008

real time news:well it's over the olimpyics are over well it was fun just wanted to tell you it's not gonna be on for another 4 years and it was a great opening and closing so that's the real news

newground news: well i have no offical news exept that the voting is open go to post number 10 and please feel free to vote and still NO emails thank you :)


it's over

Posted by killerman170 - August 18th, 2008

i'm making a vote of what kind of pics o should mostly use for my post you chose here are your choices

A: joe zombie
B: assault
C: madness
D: other

NOTE: letter D will not be things that do not have a lot of stuff for the collection and no games other than the games from letters A,B,and C if anymore questions contact me by PM message only email is strictly of limits

what do you think?

Posted by killerman170 - August 18th, 2008

hello i've just been rating and commenting (including blams and saves) but i've really done nothing special because im making a website but right now it's doing suckish if you can help in anyway put it in your comments :)



Posted by killerman170 - August 15th, 2008

here are some of the games and movie's i support

the last stand: great i'd say 10/10 awsome graphics great music overall 1000000000000000/10 not bad at all good to play

the last stand 2: awsome great again loved it great music and again 1000000000000000/10 great game to play

chav hunter:not bad it was good not to say great but entertaining the graphics were not that good but the were good enough for me great game to play for and 10 minutes or so (it's less then 3 minutes if you good and sniping

tactical assasian: not bad i love stick sniping so 1000/10 great game to play 2 times in a row the music is't bad at all if your a slow music man

tactical assasian 2 : not bad at all 10000/10 great game im stuck on it BUT that's what i like! tough challenges great game PS: to owner of game make MORE!

NOTE:some of these may be series so don't bother telling me

joe zombie series: great better graphics every episode i don't know how he does it it's amazing i love stick figure movie's including zombie movie's so combine and they make a great 10000000000000000000000000000000000000 0000000000000000000000/10 :)

madness series: great i love the gore and weps great movie's including school madness that's right 100000000/10 watch the movie's PS: once movie's watched play the game's woot srry for not putting em on the post

the greatest picnic ever: ha the greatest flash ringfinger ever made for now i loved to tom hank's laugh
i could'nt stop laughing 10000000000/10

(we can not make anymore comments im to damn tired i will make it tommorow)

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